American Standard Packaged Systems Gold 15 Hybrid HybridUp to 15 SEER2Up to 7.45 HSPF2Up to 81 AFUE Gold 15 Heat Pump Heat PumpUp to 15 SEER2Up to 7.5 HSPF2 Gold 15 Gas/Electric Gas ElectricUp to 15 SEER2Up to 81 AFUE Silver 13.4 Heat Pump Heat PumpUp to 13.4 SEER2Up to 7 HSPF2 Silver 13.4 Over/Under Heat Pump Heat PumpUp to 13.4 SEER2Up to 6.7 HSPF2 Silver 13.4 Ultra-Low NOx Gas/Electric Gas ElectricUp to 13.4 SEER2Up to 8 HSPF2Up to 81 AFUE Silver 13.4 Gas/Electric Gas ElectricUp to 13.4 SEER2Up to 81 AFUE Silver 13.4 Packaged Air Conditioner Air ConditionerUp to 13.4 SEER2